Avraam Nikolaou

Avraam Nikolaou

Front End Developer

About Me

Passionate Front End Developer with a strong expertise in TypeScript and React. I specialize in building responsive and accessible web applications using the latest technologies. As a MERN stack enthusiast, I thrive on creating seamless user experiences and dynamic web interfaces. Lifelong learner with a commitment to staying current with industry trends and best practices. Fueled by coffee and a dedication to continuous improvement.

Work Experience

Front End Developer

Power Factors

Apr 2023 – Present

Developing a core application for integrating renewable assets into the APM platform.

Front End Developer


Aug 2022 – Dec 2022

Developed and improved UI components to enhance user experience.

Front End Developer


Dec 2020 – Jul 2022

Built and maintained modular React components, integrated payment solutions (Square, Heartland, Stripe) and optimized UI/UX with performance improvements and bug fixes.

Software Development Engineer


May 2019 – Oct 2020

Developed and maintained web applications using React and Rails while diagnosing and resolving software issues to improve platform stability.

GitHub Profile


Check out my open-source projects and contributions on GitHub. I'm always working on something exciting!

LinkedIn Profile

Avraam Nikolaou

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